3 Key Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush

3 Key Benefits of an Electric Toothbrush

Team Electric Toothbrush

Brushing twice a day is a given – most people understand that for a clean, healthy mouth, it is a critical part of your oral hygiene routine to brush twice a day, along with flossing and using mouthwash. But did you know that how you brush can be just as important?

Case in point: the recommended length of time to brush is two minutes, but even if you’re brushing for two minutes, if you’re just sort of moving the toothbrush around absent-mindedly and not doing the most effective job, then your mouth isn’t going to be as clean as it could be. This is where an electric toothbrush can really elevate your brushing habits and outcomes to the next level.

At Paramount Dental Arts, we are here to help our patients achieve their best oral health and wellness, and a healthy, beautiful smile. We provide comprehensive general, cosmetic and restorative dentistry services, including dental cleanings. Our compassionate, experienced team provides effective, gentle care to help you reach your smile goals.

But when you are in-between your regularly scheduled six-month cleanings, using an electric toothbrush can help make sure you stay on track for optimal results. Here are just a few of the many benefits that come with using an electric toothbrush versus the standard manual brush.

3 Key Benefits of Using an Electric Toothbrush

While the most important part of brushing your teeth is doing so regularly, and thoroughly, there are distinct advantages to using an electric toothbrush as part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. A deeper clean
    Though nothing can compare to the level that comes from professional teeth cleaning at your dentist’s office, using an electric toothbrush for twice-daily brushing at home can deliver vastly greater strokes-per-minute and plaque removal. Because of the power and speed that comes with an electric toothbrush, manual brushing simply can’t compete.

  2. “Tech knows”
    Another amazing feature of using an electric toothbrush is the ease of technology that comes along with it. Most electric toothbrushes “know” how long and with how much pressure you should be brushing and there are subtle reminders built right in that you never even have to think about. For example, an electric toothbrush will often give you a pulse notification as you’re brushing when it’s time to shift to the next section of your mouth so that by the time two minutes is up, you’ve thoroughly brushed all areas of your upper and lower teeth. You can also program many electric toothbrushes to the intensity you prefer, such as if you have sensitive teeth, perhaps a more gentle setting would be most comfortable. Once these settings have been established, the “tech” of the toothbrush “knows” what you need and it automatically gets to work doing just that.

  3. Better fit = better clean
    Ever notice that the brush head on an electric toothbrush looks more like the tools you’d see when you’re getting your teeth cleaned and polished at the dentist? That’s because dentists use smaller brush heads and tools to fit inside your mouth to properly clean all the surfaces of your teeth, even in those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. With an electric toothbrush, it’s designed to replicate that form and function so you can get the deepest at-home clean possible. And since an electric toothbrush is moving on its own, you can fit it into tighter or angled spaces that would be challenging with a manual toothbrush while still needing to be able to perform a brushing motion.

Schedule Your Next Dental Cleaning Today

At Paramount Dental Arts, we’re here for all your general dentistry needs, including your biannual dental cleaning and exam appointments. With our state-of-the-art technology and skilled, compassionate team, we’ll make regular visits to the dentist as relaxed and stress-free as possible. Contact our office in Clifton, NJ at 973-777-1772 today to schedule your next dental cleaning and exam, or request an appointment online.